Ursuline Hall Brescia University College


Brescia University College is committed to the accountability and transparency of the institution. The University is dedicated to providing information regarding allocation of resources and funding to our students, faculty, staff, alumnae, Ursulines and the public community. Therefore, remaining accountable as a non-profit organization. 

Common University Data Ontario (CUDO)

Common University Data Ontario (CUDO) collects data on all Ontario universities. This allows students and parents to have access to information regarding each university using similar definitions for data collection.

What kind of information can I find on CUDO?

  • Number of degrees awarded, student enrolment, and entering averages – all by program
  • Number of students living on campus and activities offered
  • Student satisfaction
  • First-year tuition and ancillary fees by program
  • Number of teaching faculty
  • Undergraduate class size, by year level
  • Research awards
  • Graduation rates and employment rates by program

Brescia CUDO Data Archives

Financial Statements

To ensure transparency, each fiscal year Brescia’s financial statements are prepared by external auditors and published as public information.

Brescia Foundation

Note: The Foundation amalgamated with Brescia University on April 30, 2017. Foundation Statements from 2017 on can be found on the University Financial Statements, above.