Provost Jennifer Sutton

About Dr. Sutton

For more than a decade, Dr. Sutton has been a vital part of our community, continuously demonstrating an unyielding commitment to our students in her work as a professor, researcher and Chair of the School of Behavioural and Social Sciences as well as various committees. Through all facets of her work, Dr. Sutton has continued to support and enhance Brescia’s capacity to deliver on our mission of providing an inclusive education that empowers women to lead with justice, wisdom and compassion in a changing world.

Since 2007, Dr. Sutton has taught courses that focus on her area of expertise of experimental psychology, with courses including Cognitive Psychology, Psychological Statistics, and Research Methods. As a scholar, she has contributed great insight in the area of cognitive psychology, publishing papers and presenting at conferences that have highlighted her expertise in spatial cognition and navigation. She has also involved Brescia students in her work by supervising more than 25 honours theses.